Saturday, January 2, 2010

merri creek via flickr

merri creek via nga

i am about 40 hours in, with no cigarettes. at this stage they say to expect things like moodiness, irritability, depression or anxiety, changes to appetite, fatigue and changes to sleep patterns. what a drug.

the first day, yesterday, we went for a really big walk around the brunswick and fitzroy north neighbourhood. a wonderful thing to do on a still, still day. i hereby resolve to try and take a walk every day. we reached merri creek; such a precious waterway to have running through the inner northern suburbs. with the birds all atwitter and the bright green, orange and red sparks of parrots in the grey-green eucalpyt leaves. 
friends of merri creek link
merri creek management committee link

Thank heaven, I have given up smoking again!... God! I feel fit.  Homicidal, but fit.  A different man.  Irritable, moody, depressed, rude, nervy, perhaps; but the lungs are fine.  
~A.P. Herbert

saturday january 2 2010
cigarette count: 0

merri creek tapestry via mcmc

merri creek via flickr


  1. We are far but nearby you. And we hope our blogs will help you a bit too!
    - cigarette = + t8ste / life = so 2010! = so u(2)! xxx


  2. thank you clarisse! i can;t see your yellow blog, access is denied? but i think you are the wonderful clarisse from ensuite maybe? your blog always helps:)

  3. hope ur sweet tooth for lung lollies is gently removed by the tooth faeries.

  4. What a great way to keep yourself motivated in quit smoking!
    I hope you will succeed! Ganbatte ne!
    Wonderful post too:)

  5. thanks claire:) but geez, i badly want one right this moment..
    and thanks hiki, i hope doing this will help, in fact it already has:)

  6. When I started to quit last year (I'm not sure any of us are ever quite done quitting), I really appreciated Richard Klein's Cigarettes are Sublime. Perhaps you'll like it, too. Good luck.

  7. yes, Clarisse from Ensuite, but I can't use the usual URL/profile for the comments on this new revolutionary blog... doesn't work :(
    So I used an other google account, the one from the pop folk band I manage, a great group called Yellow Flight by the way... ;)

  8. thank you m ng - i am going to get that book today at lunchtime if i can. others have also said it is really great, so i am really looking forward to it! and thank you for the good luck and thoughtful comments. i wish you all the best in your quitting journey too. and hello again clarisse! ah, sounds good! could you forward the yellow blog url at all??
